Please accept the connection on Metamask

You must accept the connection in your Metamask application in order to participate in the presale.

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An error has occurred

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Close the window
Transaction confirmed !

Thank you for your participation !
You have deposited 0 , which is worth 0 REUNI.

You will be authorized to withdraw your $REUNI the : April 2, 2023

Click here to share your experience on Twitter !

Claim confirmed !

Your $REUNI tokens have been sent to your address.
Token address : 0x9ed7E4B1BFF939ad473dA5E7a218C771D1569456

You are not on Arbitrum ? Don't panic !
You can send your $REUNI to arbitrum with Reunit Wallet :

Google chrome :

Information : Crosschain transfers through LayerZero take less than 3 minutes on average. Only the Polygon network takes 20 minutes!

Read our Transparency Report
Public sale : 100% unlocked
Private sale : 100% unlocked

Withdraw your tokens bought during the presale / sale

Presale or sale ?
Public sale

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Click here to claim your token
   Maximum to receive :